April 14, 2024

Weekly Grab

This is my weekly compilation of photos and prompts. If you’d like to see these delivered daily to your inbox when they’re first released, including some subscriber only exclusives, consider supporting my work with a paid Substack subscription ($5 monthly, only $36 annually). Thanks for following my curiosity journey.

Stay curious, preferably with a camera in hand.


For centuries, our focus has been to design systems to make more and do more in less time. This thirst for efficiency, both in production and distribution led to optimization in all of the non-human aspects of the chain, sometimes at great cost to the people part.

Where do we go from here? What sort of system will we make next?


Sometimes, there’s little we can do otherwise.

It’s a good plan to simply wait when we are not in control. And, we’re mostly not in control…even when we think we are.


When it comes to hope, knowing where to look is really important. But, more so is the posture of how we choose to see and understand the world around us. 

There’s a lot of spirit to be found in the sky…if we’re open enough to look there.


Along the creative path, there are many gates and gatekeepers. We might have bosses, supply chains, media platforms and censor boards. Or, if we’re lucky, we might have none of those. But in the end, there’s at least one with the power to keep us from moving forward…us. And, this might be the toughest of them all…to enroll in the idea, to convince we’re good enough and to gain trust from despite the headwinds we face. So, before we set out on our journey, we might start with a look inward and question what we’re prepared to do when we get in our own way, before worrying so much about the other gates, which may or may not be closed after all.


Sometimes, the toughest part of a project is the beginning, when the size of the bowl staring at us is so much larger than we imagined. The idea phase is the easy part. Leaping is when the real work begins.


An abundance of choice doesn’t necessarily insure a great outcome. Too often, it leads to indecision and perhaps even settling just to end the process. It might be better to define our pre-search with some constraints. How can we limit the selections in some way to make it less tempting to consider everything on offer? It’s extreme, but Henry Ford might have been on to something.


All of the analysis in the world is wasted…unless we take action.

Choose one stat…and work the problem. Many hands make lighter work.

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