April 7, 2024

Weekly Grab

This is my weekly compilation of photos and prompts. If you’d like to see these delivered daily to your inbox when they’re first released, including some subscriber only exclusives, consider supporting my work with a paid Substack subscription ($5 monthly, only $36 annually). Thanks for following my curiosity journey.

Stay curious, preferably with a camera in hand.


Drive enough, and it’s inevitable. Same goes for giving speeches, parenting or hiring talent. It’s easy to be lured into a safe space with a short string of wins. But at some point, failure is imminent. The question shouldn’t be if, it should be when, which begs the next question, where’s the spare?

We can’t prepare for all of the possible problems. But, we can operate with a mindset of responding to them as useful challenges. Useful in the sense of better preparing for the next one.


Turns out our Moon isn’t visible at all unless there’s a light source shining upon it. Either is the Earth for that matter. Everything requires light to be seen. And, it’s our manipulation of light which alters our perspective.

Consider changing the exposure, or our minds, in order to see something differently.


There’s so little time and so much to do. Or, there’s plenty of time if we focus on the important work vs. the urgent. They’re often not the same.

What’s the busy for?


All of our problems and high points come from somewhere. They originate at a root and then develop into what we see and feel. It’s easy to get caught in seeing things only as they are. It might be helpful to dig a little deeper and learn where they came from.


Convenience is easy…hence why it’s convenient. The hard work, the stuff which gets talked about, the highlights and surprises come from inconvenience.

Spend more time being inconvenienced…the rest of us will be glad you did.


Tools can help us solve problems. The wisdom of knowing which tool to select and how to use it though is the real catalyst to making something good happen. Otherwise, it might actually get worse.

How can we develop a better toolbox? What’s the next skill to add?

Small World

Indeed, ours is so small. All of our experiences, problems, bad and good days, laughs and cries pale in comparison to the sum of all the others. But, we don’t get to live the others. Only our own. Of course, the worlds interact and collide. What we do in ours affects another. Free will is a wonderful privilege. But, it’s also a responsibility to those other worlds around us.

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