March 17, 2024

Weekly Grab

This is my weekly compilation of photos and prompts. If you’d like to see these delivered daily to your inbox when they’re first released, consider supporting my work with a paid Substack subscription ($5 monthly, only $36 annually). Thanks for following my curiosity journey.

Stay curious, preferably with a camera in hand.


Some things are mysterious because we can’t see them. Other things remain a mystery because we choose not to discover them. What happens when we’re curious enough to go a little further, see a little more and perhaps change our perspective?


We often look to make big leaps and significant impact when making a change. But at some point, the fine tuning, the part which really sets us apart, happens with small adjustments, perhaps at multiple points. And this practice of fine tuning, focusing on the details, is the hard part…and the part most other people skip. An open door…


Sometimes, there’s no way around. But, it’s rare. Most of the time, we create our own blocks. And, it starts with the story we tell ourselves how we’re not talented enough, skilled enough or wise enough. Enough already.


A spring only works when it’s compressed. Now, it’s ready for work. Its resting state, without any captured energy, isn’t very useful.

Some people work better when they’re under pressure. They create order from the chaos and solve problems which need immediate solving. They respond to the forces put on them and find a way of making things more calm. Like a spring, these folks are quite helpful in compressed situations.


One of the most important choices in farming isn’t what to plant, but who’s land to plant it on.

It’s easy to get lulled into putting our work into someone else’s sea where the fish are so plentiful and everyone else is fishing. But, there’s a significant trade in becoming a sharecropper. We get to use someone else’s domain, which is less costly and time consuming. But for this advantage, we give up control. And eventually, the landscape gets changed (it always does), which is almost surely not going to be in our favor. So, it might be worth doing the hard work of building our own place instead. Then, we get to choose not only what to plant, but who’s invited in. Choose wisely.


Just because we aren’t loaded, doesn’t mean we’re ready to receive. Being ready to take on more is dependent on a mindset and a generous posture of openness, willingness, patience and genuine interest. Sure, we need to have the physical capacity. But, we also need to desire to carry more of the burden. Otherwise, we’re just a loaded truck with no dock.

Best Seat

No matter how hard we try, we’re rarely fortunate enough to get the best seat. Off center, up high, behind someone tall are more normal conditions, which is a beautiful constraint really since this is how most people see things anyway. True understanding is only found when we see it through their eyes. Go where they go, sit where they sit, see what they see.

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