February 25, 2024

Weekly Grab

This is my weekly compilation of photos and prompts. If you’d like to see these delivered daily to your inbox when they’re first released, consider supporting my work with a paid Substack subscription ($5 monthly, only $36 annually). Thanks for following my curiosity journey.

Stay curious, preferably with a camera.


Moving someone along to believe in our idea or to go where we’re going requires skill beyond merely loading a wagon. Enrolling someone to believe in us requires trust, faith, understanding and openness…on both sides. Willingness takes time and a lot of patience. Shortcuts like pushing, coercion and trickery, might be successful in the moment. But eventually, the jig is up and resentment sets in. And then, we have an empty wagon.

We’re not likely to get the rhino to come along…unless it wants to go.


Often lost and invisible in a crowd. But, so revealing and identifiable on their own.

The face is what we interact with the most. So, it’s not surprising most of our memories of someone originate there.

How would we like to be remembered? Happy, sad, stoic, stern, angry, calm. The face tells us quite a story.


It might be hard. It might not work. We might not be successful.

Most things worth doing fall into those categories. This is why they are hard.

Choose hard. Choose wisely.

Higher Ground

The view is typically better from the highest point where we can take everything in and get our bearings. The same goes for our opinions and ideals. It’s important to see as much as possible before forming our own conclusions.

Looking around is a function of choosing to see. What can we see from here, right now? Do we need to move?


What seems worn out to some is just about perfect for others. Done with intention, ragged, flawed and distressed can be beautiful, remarkable even. Of course, it’s not for everyone. But, either is shiny, neat and new.

Just because it’s old and tired doesn’t mean it isn’t useful. How can we revive the ragged and bring it back to life?


We all stand for something. Even when we say we don’t…we do. The world knows.

What’s our marker, our brand? How do others tell our story? It’s complicated…unless we make it clear, both by doing what we say we’re going to do. Congruity means a lot in terms of image building. So, it’s best to leave a trail with intention.


If there’s fuss about it, a story which gets retold and especially if your Dad or Uncle had one, it might be an icon.

Become iconic…the rest takes care of itself.

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