February 18, 2024

Weekly Grab

This is my weekly compilation of photos and prompts. If you’d like to see these delivered daily to your inbox when they’re first released, consider supporting my work with a paid Substack subscription ($5 monthly, only $36 annually). Thanks for following my curiosity journey.

Stay curious, preferably with a camera.


True self is rarely revealed on the surface. We need to dig deeper, explore, seek to understand. For this, we need to go inside, underneath the protective layers.

How does this apply to relationships, culture and connection? There’s only one way to find out…stay curious.


Danger is lurking almost everywhere. Thankfully, it’s usually self evident. But, sometimes we need a beacon, a signal of some kind to warn us of the trouble ahead.

What warnings can we offer to help people avoid the traps they might not be open to seeing?


What’s it for? Is it clear? Is it understandable? How much do we need to solve before it’s useful?

If it seems complicated, it probably is.


It’s easy to get caught up in the hoopla of something big, where everyone is in on the joke. But, what about the actions, the steps we needed to take in order to make progress? Without each one, we wouldn’t get anywhere. If we’ve taken something seriously enough to turn it into a regimen, a practice, it deserves some recognition.

Create some fuel…celebrate progress.


In a commercial enterprise, the name tells us who it’s for. Google worked because it was new and for everyone. But, this is a rare position. It’s better to be specific, so specific there’s little doubt what it’s about, the problem it solves, and most importantly, who will feel comfortable there.

Go Slowly

Everyone is moving so fast. And, we seem to be in a race to go even faster. Fast is overrated. More mistakes are made, less care is given, and details are lost. Slow it down, pause, take it all in. You’ll probably be glad you did.


Physically, drag is something to be avoided. It works against the efficient flow of a thing through space. So, we design to reduce its effect. Of course, we experience drag in other ways too. Most of the time, it shows up as resistance, the force which keeps us from doing our work, exercising, cleaning the garage or anything which should be done but can be put off until later. And just like physics, the only way to beat it is to design against it. A practice built out of habits does this. It defeats the drag resistance throws at us. Because, if it’s a practice, it just gets done…no matter what.

What’s causing drag for you? How can you build a practice to defeat it?

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