May 5, 2024

Weekly Grab

This is my weekly compilation of photos and prompts. If you’d like to see these delivered daily to your inbox when they’re first released, including some subscriber only exclusives, consider supporting my work with a paid Substack subscription ($5 monthly, only $36 annually). Thanks for following my curiosity journey.

Stay curious, preferably with a camera in hand.


What sort of nuggets are we leaving behind? How will people know we made our dent?

Sometimes, the trail develops on its own. But, it might be helpful to reflect upon it now and then.

On Air

If we could just say what’s on our mind. If we could just express our opinions. If we could just react openly. Of course we can. These days, we all have a microphone. What a wonderful gift.

But just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. Choose what to say, when to say and most importantly how to say wisely.


There’s little else which speaks more “welcome in” than a comfortable front porch. Pervasive in the American culture, they’re found in just about every small town. And usually, the people inside are just as happy to see you as the swing.

How can we add some more front porch like touches to our lives? Welcome is far more than a word. And, it begins with a posture.

On Stage

All the world’s a stage. But, what really matters is what we do when no one is looking.

Character counts…a lot.


There’s nothing wrong with looking forward, imagining what the future might be like. In many ways, our dreams about what could happen fuel the present. Of course, the most important step to live into the possibility, to actually make a version of it come true, is to act. No better time to get started than the present.


Adding some whimsy to a message changes the conversation. It leaves the reader with a gift beyond the underlying intention.

Brightening the tone is almost always a better strategy than the contrary.


There’s nothing wrong with being picked not to win…especially when we do.

Too often we’re worried about being the frontrunner, getting all of the attention and support. Perhaps it’s better to hang back a bit and see what we can do despite the odds against us.

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